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McCoy College of Science, Mathematics and Engineering - Chemistry

McCoy College of Science, Mathematics and Engineering - Chemistry

3 Supporters
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The mission of the Chemistry Program is to prepare students for graduate study or employment in a vast array of chemically-related fields. The courses are designed to provide a strong knowledge and skills-based foundation for pursuing advanced degrees in the chemical sciences or such health-related fields as human and veterinary medicine, dentistry, and pharmacy.

The chemistry program of Midwestern State University emphasizes personalized instruction and student research. Students receive direct individual attention from the faculty of Ph.D. chemists in small classes and seminar groups and are encouraged to start work on a research project as early as the second year of study.

Why are donations necessary?

Alumni and friends of the department enhance the quality of studies and research in chemistry immensely through donations and the establishment of endowed funds. Your contribution to the Chemistry Department will help our faculty members provide the best learning experience for our students. Funding priorities include instrumentation, research, and scholarships.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!