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President's Excellence Circle

President's Excellence Circle

162 Supporters
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The President’s Excellence Circle represents a select group of extraordinary donors – united with a purpose – to ensure Midwestern State University thrives. Support through the President’s Excellence Circle provides crucial resources for the university and is flexible funding for the President to respond to various needs as they arise. 

President’s Excellence Circle members receive unique opportunities to have a deeper connection with the President, senior leaders and the university in order to see the impact of their gifts. 

Engage with the President and the university community to learn more about the impact of philanthropy.

Please join the 2024 President’s Excellence Circle today. With your support,
the future of Midwestern State can continue to shine bright and serve the
needs of current and future students.

PEC Giving Levels

Silver Excellence Circle


Benefits include:

  • President's Excellence Circle Annual Newsletter
  • Invitations to events with the president
  • Recognition on the President's Excellence Circle honor roll

Gold Excellence Circle


Benefits include those for Silver Excellence Circle, plus:

  • Concierge service - your personal connection to MSU can provide information, personalized tours, and more upon your request

Platinum Excellence Circle

$5,000 and above

Benefits include those for Gold Excellence Circle, plus:

  • Lunch with the president

President's Young Associates Circle

$500/$41.66 per month (30 years of age or younger)

Benefits include those for the Silver Excellence Circle

Endowed Excellence Members

Honoring those who give a $25,000 PEC Endowment with a lifetime membership to the Silver Excellence Circle

2022/2023 PEC Honor Roll

Thank you to our 2022-2023 President's Excellence Circle members! 

2022-2023 President's Excellence Circle Honor Roll

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!